Business Course
Innovation Management
Innovation is all about creating value from new ideas. However, innovation can be a costly and lengthy process and not all ideas are necessarily good ones. Therefore, the process of innovation needs to be carefully managed.
In this course, students will see that innovation can take many forms, from creating new products for customers to refining manufacturing processes, to moving services to new countries. They will also discover how new ideas are generated and selected, how innovations can be financed and how innovation is managed in budding start-ups, all the way up to global corporations.
What is Innovation?
Selecting Ideas
The Financing and Management of Innovation
Open Innovation
Exploiting Entrepreneurship and New Ventures
Appropriability and Intellectual Property
Markets for Technology
Knowledge Creation to Optimise the Innovation Footprint
Managing Global Innovation - Optimising Communication
Strategy, Disruptive Innovation and Cost innovation
Reverse Innovation and Cost innovation